
TIL: How to force PyLance to use a current version of Django-stubs

One of the little annoyances I encounter when I have to use Visual Studio Code, PyLance and a modern version of Django is, that PyLance shows errors for things like the login_not_required decorator. Today I found a workaround by chance when I once again did a web search for the topic. This StackOverflow post outlines the solution — just remove the version of django-stubs included with PyLance. rm -rf ".vscode/extensions/ms-python.vscode-pylance-*/dist/bundled/stubs/django-stubs"

Plan for this weekend. Apply the finishing touches to django-tailwind-cli to support Tailwind CSS version 3 and 4. So far the test suite works without errors. The docs need some love now.

Ideas how to support Tailwind CSS 4.x in django-tailwind-cli

Tailwind CSS released its first beta version at the end of November of last year. Since then, I have been thinking about how to implement the changes in the Django library django-tailwind-cli. Tailwind CSS 4.0 includes some interesting and substantial changes: Instead of a tailwind.config.js file, you can configure all of your customizations directly in the CSS file where you import Tailwind. Automatic source detection. Simplified theme configuration and CSS-first configuration make a lot of customization steps that I normally add to tailwind.

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Week Notes 2025-01-18 — Back to work

This was the first workweek of 2025. A packed week that felt like I was on a high-speed circuit. Jumping back and forth between five active projects, where I have different roles. Hacked a lot of Python and Django for one project. Did a lot of consulting on another project. Long days, but somehow this all felt excellent and I felt alive. It kicked me out of my winter vacation lethargy.

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Week Notes 2025-01-10

This has been the last week of my three-week-long winter holidays. A vacation I needed more than I needed any vacation in the last few years. The second half of 2024 was so packed and stressful. I had many plans for this vacation, but eventually, I just relaxed, watched TV, read three books, played some Xbox and spent some calm days with my wife. Something that I haven’t written about is, that I have been approved as an individual member of the Django Software Foundation in December.

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PyCharm, Tailwind & htmx

After I shared my initial thoughts on PyCharm, I moved more and more of my projects — personal and work related — to PyCharm. So far, it works out pretty nice, and I am getting more and more accustomed to the IDE. Most of my projects use Django, Tailwind and htmx. While the Django support is great, using Tailwind and htmx needs tweaking. Tailwind I already mentioned the required workaround for Tailwind in my initial post.

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