
Backup for my home server with restic and resticprofile

Recently, I did myself a favor and bought a little Beelink SER5 Pro Mini PC a home server to run some services I use on my home network and also to run some development containers. With this shiny new home server, I also wanted to set up some offsite backups for it. I asked on Mastodon for suggestions and got tips to use borgbackup and restic. Both are reasonable suggestions with great documentation.

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My Alfred Workflow for Todoist

I use Todoist as my task list application for a while now. Before that, I have used Things by Cultured Code. I had to leave Things behind because it is still lacking the ability to share to-do list with other users. But one feature I have missed from Things all the time — the Things helper. This is a small add-on that registers a global shortcut, that creates tasks for E-Mails or links in Safari or Chrome.

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Bye, Bye, WordPress. Hello,!

Since Matt started his crazy little campaign at the end of the last year, I had the desire to get rid of WordPress and move elsewhere. First, I thought a bit about using Hugo or so. But this was too much work for my little, low-volume blog. And I also wanted a service that lets me post from my browser and while I am using my mobile. It should be simple, too.

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My Default Apps at the End of 2024

Jeff and Kev wrote about the default apps they use. It is a nice way to reflect on which tools I actually use and how tools might change over the years. 🌐 Browser: Safari, Firefox + Chrome for testing ⛔️Ad Blocking: Wipr 2 🔍 Search: Kagi 📨 Mail Service: iCloud (private) + O365 (work) 📮 Mail Client: Apple Mail 📝 Notes:Clairefontaine Notebook +Lamy fountain pen, sometimes Apple Notes 📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud Drive 💬 Chat: Signal (Friends & Family), Apple Messages and Microsoft Teams (work) 📆 Calendar: Apple Calendar ✅ To-Do: Todoist 🛒 Shopping Lists: Todoist 📹 Video Calls: In Your Face + Teams + Zoom 📖 RSS Service: Feedbin 🎵 Music.

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